balloon layout in bookcase.
Thanapon Jindapitak (tj),, +66831568701
Technology enthusiast, participate in ACM ICPC competition in National and Asia Regional round, major in Computer Networks, worked on numbers of interesting mini projects, such as
- Improvement for Routing Algorithm on low-powered wireless network with Zigbee, Arduino.
- Fall-Detection on belt buckle for eldery using Gryroscope, Arduino.
- VSCode find reference for JS, transpile code to AST, analyze references on the tree (in the early days, vscode find references function is not working properly)
- Chrome spotlight search extension, can search on bookmarks, history. support simple commands, such as save to bookmark
- Write blogs
- Old Medium blogs
- and another old blogs
Key skills
- Believe in discussion
- Trust base working
- Build team expectation
- Greate communicator
- Team player
- Improvisation
- Love in problem solving
Coding skills
- Strong in React, C#, NodeJs, GO, PHP, Swift, MVC, MSSql, Containerization
- Have experiences in ElasticSearch, Nginx, HAProxy, Puppeteer, Selenium, TeamCity, Puppet script, Cassandra, Hadoop, CSpider, ZigBee (Wireless sensor node), Arduino, VBA, Monorepo
- Cloud AWS, GCP
- Open Source
Software Development Manager, 2022-present
Opn Co., Ltd. Bangkok, Thailand
- Manage 2 teams, 12 dev, multi-nationality
- Lead SSO project from the start, merge different applications into one under SSO with Keycloak Idp, lower lead time for authentication service development for new project
- Lead Micro-frontend project from the start, build Micro-frontend shell leverage Webpack module federation, with authentication module, communication module, loggin module in the shell, load application dynamically inside the shell
- Lead App Center project from the start, create Opn App Center hosted internal apps
- Lead Xero integration project from the start, build an web application connect to Xero accounting software for payment service, create requirement analysis document, technical requirements, setup backlog
- Apply Shape Up (from Basecamp)
- Initiate Pac-man competition hosted internally
Software Development Manager, 2022
7 Solutions Co,. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
- Manage 5 teams
- Build APM for Firebase app on GCP
- Hire 3 Senior Developers, 1 QA
- Build technical roadmaps, setup OKRs, Setup Dev environment for frontend and backend team
- Arrange Coding Challenge for internal engineers
- Analyze and optimize Firestore bottle-neck, result in increase of traffic 100% (from 1M to 2M)
- Move services away from Monolith to event-driven microservices
Lead Software Engineer, 2020-2022
Analytist,. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
- Build new product for Sme (connect to Payment Gateway, Receipt, AWS Aurora, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Kibana Canvas)
- Build realtime chat advisor under Facebook Accelerator program 2022
- Setup product deployment delivery pipeline
- Manage infrastructure on AWS (Github Actions, EC2, S3, EKS, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline)
- Develop a PHP product, and microservices (NodeJs, .NET, GO, ReactJs)
- Setup User Management tool (Keycloak)
- Initiate data-workflow framework for DataScience
- Build iOS analytics tracking module, used to customer iOS application
- Build, with .NET5, Vertical-slice architecture, Entity Framework 5
- Build task scheduler, registering task, firing with http request, custom headers, custom payload, with GO Lang
Senior Software Engineer, 2014-2020
Agoda Co,. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
- SEO engineer
- Prerender ecosystem - using NodeJs, RabbitMq, Postgres, Nginx, HAProxy
- SEO experimentation platform - using C#, RabbitMq, Spark, Scala, MSsql
- Cross datacenter message transferring application - using C#, Kafka
- Custom review text ordering - using Elasticsearch, C#, RabbitMQ
- RabbitMq Injector library - using C#
- Frontend engineer, working on SPA and non-SPA project - using React, TypeScript, Redux, Webpack
- Backend engineer mainly on Scala, work for Customer Context Identification team (Identify customer context such as origin, language currency), using C#, MVC
- Experienced in MSSql, Grafana, Hive, Impala, Spark
- Familiar with Agile Methodology
Software Engineer, 2012
Blueeye Co., Ltd., Hatyai, Thailand
- Implement vehicle tracking service and reports, using Grails, MySQL, Stored-Procedure;
Education, 2012
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand - Bachelor degree - Computer Engineering
- Senior Project: Energy-Balancing Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, Implement a new cross-layer routing protocol using NESC language on NS2 Simulator
- Lecturer of ACM-ICPC boot camp 2012 - 2014
- Lecturer of Android, Python, Grails boot camp 2012 - 2013
- Ranked in 3rd in ACM-ICPC National Programming Contest, Phuket, SIPA, 2010
- Honorary Mention Award in BEST 2011-Thai Language Processing Software Contest (Thunder Translator), NSC, SIPA
- Honorary Mention Award in Best 2010-Thai Word Segmentation (Thai Segmentation with Hybrid Algorithm), NSC, SIPA